1.2 FAQ´s + Content: Exercises and Final Project Overview

Let´s talk about the course content.

During this course, we will focus on different aspects to learn Keyshot and improve your work for your portfolio through videos and activities. Let´s answer some questions. 

1. What do I need for this course?
In this course, We will work with two software, Rhinoceros, where we will adjust our models, and Keyshot, which will work with our renders and representation.
Therefore, you must have installed Rhino and Keyshot on your computer. For Rhino, You can download the 90-day Rhino trial here or purchase it here.
The video tutorials take place on a Windows system, if you use Rhino for Mac you can easily follow them. For more information about the program requirements, check them out here https://www.rhino3d.com/7/system-requirements/ 
For Keyshot, you can download the 14-day free trial or directly buy the program here. If you are a student, you can access the program here 

2. Do I need previous experience on Keyshot?
You don´t need previous experience on Keyshot for this course! We will see the basics and essentials to move around the program, on the other hand, you will need prior/basic knowledge of Rhino to work on your projects and assignments.

3. What is the course content?
The course content will be divided into topics and 5 key elements from the program: Materials, Lightning, Camera, Image effects, and post-edition. Exercises and projects will join each chapter to practice your skills and what you have seen throughout the chapter. 

4. How is the course content divided?
- Chapter 01: Course Overview
- Chapter 02: User Interface & Customization
- Chapter 03: Materials & Textures
- Chapter 04: Lightning & Environments
- Chapter 05: Camera & Animations
- Chapter 06: Post-production
- Chapter 07: Final project 

The main content from each chapter will be presented through videos and exercises. At the end of each chapter, we will create a project and use what we have learned. This course includes the files and objects to practice with. 

After finishing Chapter 07, you can create a final project and apply the knowledge acquired during the course to the object or element of your choice.

5. Will there be assignments and exercises?
Yes, from chapter 3 we will begin working with different exercises and files, where we will apply the course content. 

At the end of each chapter, you will find a class title PROJECT Where we will apply the chapter content to. At the beginning of each chapter, you will find an introduction where it will indicate if we will work with different models during the chapter.
If so, you will find the models we work with during the class in each class note, compressed in a downloadable folder for use.
The content of these files will be combined, you can find simple geometric shapes for some classes and models of products or objects. All the models from this course are available for download, except for those of your own, and the Features & Tricks and Showreels subjects, which are only for demonstration.

6. How long do I have access to the course content?
Once you enroll in the course you will have access for 2 years. 

7. If I have doubts, How can I contact the instructor?
Yes! You can leave comments in each chapter section, which your instructor will review and answer shortly and the best she can. 

You can also contact the instructor via email at [email protected]

Have any other doubts? Please leave them in the comments!

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