Coding Rhino Geometry Using C# in Grasshopper (Tax Included)
In this course you will learn to create Rhino Geometry by coding with C# language inside
You will begin by learning the basics of coding in C# starting with the syntax and building up
with basics of object-oriented programming to be able to understand and use
RhinoCommon API efficiently. After that you will start to apply what you learned by creating
and manipulating geometry using the RhinoCommon API.
Duration: 10 Hours (Not counting Homework time)
This course is available in English and Spanish
By purchasing the course, you will have unlimited access to the content for 2 years, so
Don’t miss it.
At the end of each chapter, you can resolve your concerns with the teacher.
Our online courses do not qualify for proof of academic status for a Rhino educational
license as we are not an accredited school offering a degree program.