Meet your instructor!
Abdulrahman Ayman, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Design Computing, Ain Shams University.
Founder of “Computational Design in Arabic” and “Galaxy Architects” in Cairo, Egypt, Abdulrahman is an architect with profound knowledge in computational design, coding, and machine learning applications in architecture.
Why to Choose This Course
This course is based on my book: RhinoCommon: Using the Geometry Namespace with C# | A Guide to Create Rhinoceros3d Geometry in Grasshopper3d by Writing C# Code.
You can access the book on food4rhino through the following link:
This course is considered the best way to learn what is inside the book for those who are not friends with reading!
Learn C# Coding Concepts
Start learning C# coding with topics including data types, types conversion, object-oriented programming, functions, iterations, conditionals, and other coding skills.
Start Coding Rhino Geometry
Learn to use the RhinoCommon efficiently to create and manipulate geometry using C#.
Coding concepts integrated with Rhino's geometry classes will give you power and freedom to create geometry with a great algorithmic mindset!
Geometry Intersections
Geometry intersections, the trickiest part in Rhino.Geometry namespace is explained with examples to work efficiently with Intersect child namespace.
Enjoy 20% discount with coupon code: RHINO3DEDUCATION20 at checkout!
The Curriculum for this Course:
- 1.1.Data Types (3:55)
- 1.2.Variables (3:06)
- 1.3.Type Conversion (4:45)
- 1.4.Operators (4:17)
- 1.5.Lists (2:11)
- 1.6.Lists Operations (2:26)
- 1.7.Arrays (1:29)
- 1.8.Arrays Operations (3:05)
- 1.9.Mutable vs. Immutable Data (3:27)
- 1.10.Comments in C# (0:58)
- 1.11.Chapter 1 - Applications (10:47)
- 1.12.Quiz 1
- 1.13.Chapter 1 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 2.1.What is Object Oriented Programming? (1:42)
- 2.2.Classes (1:06)
- 2.3.Classes Fields (0:41)
- 2.4.Classes Constructors and Methods (3:06)
- 2.5.Creating Objects (1:41)
- 2.6.Static Methods - Factory Design Pattern (1:16)
- 2.7.Classes vs. Structs vs. Enums (2:45)
- 2.8.Inheritance (1:49)
- 2.9.Variable Scope (1:18)
- 2.10.RhinoCommon Geometry Namespace (13:54)
- 2.11.Functions (2:15)
- 2.12.Quiz 2
- 2.13.Chapter 2 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 7.1.Rhino.Geometry Namespace Objects (0:38)
- 7.2.Point3d Struct (5:30)
- 7.3.Vector3d Struct (9:04)
- 7.4.Plane Struct (8:16)
- 7.5.Interval Struct (2:35)
- 7.6.Line Struct (8:45)
- 7.7.Box Struct (10:00)
- 7.8.Sphere Struct (6:49)
- 7.9.Polyline Class (7:39)
- 7.10.Rectangle3d and Triangle3d Structs (10:08)
- 7.11.Circle and Arc Structs (6:58)
- 7.12.Quiz 7
- 7.13.Chapter 7 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 8.1.Curve Class (18:09)
- 8.2.Curve Class Applications (8:35)
- 8.3.LineCurve, PolylineCurve, and ArcCurve Classes (5:15)
- 8.4.NurbsCurve Class (4:54)
- 8.5.NurbsCurve Class - Applications (5:33)
- 8.6.Surface Class (7:50)
- 8.7.Surface Class - Applications (5:46)
- 8.8.NurbsSurface Class (3:30)
- 8.9.NurbsSurface Class Applications (6:09)
- 8.10.Brep Class (13:05)
- 8.11.Brep Class Applications (17:56)
- 8.12.Quiz 8
- 8.13.Assignment 2
- 8.14.Chapter 8 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 9.1.Geometry Transformation - Transform Struct (5:16)
- 9.2.Geometry Transformation - Transform Struct Applications (7:03)
- 9.3.Intersection Class (16:49)
- 9.4.IntersectionEvent Class (1:27)
- 9.5.Intersect Namespace Enums (5:04)
- 9.6.Example: Intersecting a Line and a Box (5:58)
- 9.7.Example: Intersecting a Plane and a Circle (3:51)
- 9.8.Example: Intersecting a Curve and a Brep (3:29)
- 9.11.Quiz 9
- 9.12.Assignment 3
- 9.13.Chapter 9 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 10.1.Introduction to Grasshopper SDK (1:41)
- 10.2.Creating a New Data Tree (2:26)
- 10.3.Creating a New Path (2:29)
- 10.4.Adding Data to a Specific Path (3:34)
- 10.5.Flattening and Grafting Trees (3:29)
- 10.6.Merging and Pruning Trees (5:14)
- 10.7.Useful Data Trees Operations (5:07)
- 10.8.Quiz 10
- 10.9.Chapter 10 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
- 11.1.Generating Random Boxes (6:36)
- 11.2.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 1 (7:21)
- 11.3.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 2 (4:32)
- 11.4.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 3 (8:18)
- 11.5.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 1 (1:38)
- 11.6.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 2 (6:02)
- 11.7.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 3 (8:13)
- 11.8.Final Project
- 11.9.Chapter 11 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Advanced Geometry is Now Easier than You Think!
After learning to code in C#, your logical thinking will be much stronger allowing you to think of intricate geometry building logic with a blink of an eye!
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