2.1 Terrain Creation

Time to practice:

In this session, we will learn how to create a terrain in different ways: DEM files, Importing from the web, or creating from contours.

1- After watching this session, download the practice file n.1.

2- Create a terrain, with 0.5 m/ or 2 ft cell size, and 1 m (or3 ft) elevation difference between contours. You see the contours in Topography layer. (Turn on that layer from the layer panel of Rhino).

3- Create a boundary for the terrain. The terrain must be cut through a closed curve as you saw in the video. So, draw a playing and follow the instructions on the video.

4- Create a surface for the rest of the project.

Note: The file format is dwg but just open it with Rhino. In this way you will see how this file format, can be opened in Rhino.

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