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Rhino 8 Intermediate (Tax Included)
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Before you start (2:38)
Welcome to this course (1:54)
Chapter 2: Points and Curve Tools
Points and cloud points (1:10)
Divide curve (3:16)
Creating lines (4:48)
Convert lines to curves (3:38)
Curve tools (3:52)
Sketch curves (1:02)
Curve Booleans (1:41)
Reconstruction Curves (4:26)
Between curves (2:36)
Multiple offset curve (1:31)
Helix and spiral (1:57)
Drawing curves on surfaces and SubD (3:48)
Fillets and chamfers (3:15)
Curves from two views (5:54)
Offset normal on surface (5:00)
Adjust seam (2:37)
Match curves (2:21)
Ribbon offset (1:55)
Sub curve (2:12)
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Chapter 2- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 3: Surface and Solid Tools
Surface from a network of curves (4:34)
Loft (2:14)
Sweep two rails (5:34)
Patch (4:44)
Diferent types of extrudes (4:23)
Slab (2:25)
Picture frame surface (2:40)
Pipes and variable pipes (5:48)
Cap planar holes (3:07)
Holes (4:53)
Fillet and chamfer (5:06)
QueadRemesh and ShrinWrap (2:44)
Text object (5:26)
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Chapter 3- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 4: Transformation Tools
Scaling types (6:01)
Orient objects (4:46)
Contour (7:49)
Revolve (3:36)
Isocurves (5:19)
Cage and rebuilt a surface (7:46)
Groups (4:28)
Blocks (6:08)
Advanced blocks options (6:30)
Unroll and smash (3:58)
Deformation tools (11:03)
Array and more options (6:17)
Intersection of objects (2:03)
Duplicate borders or edges (3:33)
Project and pull (5:01)
Set XYZ coordinates (4:12)
A simple quiz!
Chapter 4- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 5: Representation Tools
Make 2D from 3D (6:53)
Introduction to layers (9:09)
How to apply and edit the hatch (7:05)
Sections (2:02)
Cutting planes (4:18)
Clipping sections (7:24)
Demo of Clipping sections (13:27)
Page layout (4:17)
Manipulating page layouts (8:56)
Personal layouts (7:02)
Text and annotation styles (8:14)
Dimensions (7:02)
Line text (3:56)
Functions for text (7:56)
Print your layout page (6:49)
Print from your model (2:16)
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Chapter 5- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 6: Analysis tools
Distance and angle guides (3:01)
Angle, diameter, and radius (2:45)
Bounding box (5:51)
Point filters (2:06)
Closest points (0:49)
Edges (4:25)
A simple quiz!
Chapter 6- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 7: Rendering Tools
Render modes (3:41)
Configuration for rendering (6:37)
Configuring backgrounds (4:55)
Ambient lighting settings (4:41)
Materials: Rhino 8 Materials Library (6:37)
Materials: Plaster, paint, and plastic (3:49)
Materials: Metals (3:38)
Materials: Glass and gems (4:09)
Materials: Emissive (4:25)
Preconfigured materials : Physically based, double sided, and blend (4:25)
Different ways of applying materials (6:36)
Materials: Picture and Custom (8:03)
How to apply decals (6:11)
Package management (denoiser) (2:49)
Saved views (4:47)
Named positions (2:53)
Path animation (6:51)
A simple quiz!
Chapter 7- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 8: Final project
Model the terrain (1:04)
Construct the bridge (7:32)
Import all the necessary 3D objects for your project (5:17)
Let us apply the materials to the objects of the project (7:57)
Create an animation using a path an a target (3:34)
Share with us your final project (1:08)
Chapter 8- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
Chapter 9: Course Challenges
Applying materials like metals and gems to your ring (2:24)
Nice roof with using Tween in Between (4:37)
Different ways of making or simulating a material like water. (11:08)
Handle of a knife (7:42)
Lamp (4:35)
Trash container (5:24)
Chapter 9- Rhino 8 Intermediate Questions and Answers
You completed this course, congratulations!
Named positions
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