After 90 days, you can continue using your evaluation license to practice, but you cannot save your work!

This is the single 90-Days evaluation version.

Remember, the Rhino evaluation version is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of 3D modeling and design. Make the most of these 90 days, explore all the features and unleash your creativity. And even after the countdown ends, Rhino will remain an asset in your toolbox, helping you bring your design ideas to life. Enjoy your journey with Rhino – the best is yet to come!

Addons and saves stop working 90 days after download unless you purchase them.

After 90 days, it will still work perfectly for learning Rhino and viewing Rhino and many other file formats, but you cannot save your work.

Yes, you can purchase your Rhino license, whether educational or commercial, but if you have a 90-day evaluation, you cannot upgrade at the upgrade price.

Here you can buy your educational license

Tienes que tenerla instalarla localmente validada en tu computadora.

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